Venture into the clouds that embrace the mountains of Sumapaz on a journey through a mystical Muisca path. During this tour, you will learn about the history, biodiversity, gastronomy, and environmental issues present in the Sumapaz paramo while enjoying the fresh air and stunning landscapes of the Colombian eastern mountain range.

What's Included?

• All-risk insurance.
• Breakfast & Lunch.
• Hotel pick-up and drop-off.
• Entrance to PNN Sumapaz.
• Tour Guide from Sumapaz Vive.


Duration: approximately 10 hours.
• Travel to the Usme locality.
• Breakfast in Usme.
• Introduction Talk at Chisaca Lagoon in Sumapaz.
• Arrival at Sumapaz Vive.
• Hike on the Path of the Clouds.
• Lunch.
• Return to the City.


Remember that we are inside the Sumapaz National Natural Park, so it is important to review our regulations before visiting us. Additionally, due to the altitude, it is recommended to wear warm clothing and sunscreen.

Frequently Asked Questions

• Why does Sumapaz Vive conduct tourist activities if the PNN Sumapaz is closed to the public?
• Where is Sumapaz Vive located?
• How can I get to Sumapaz Vive?
• Can I go to Sumapaz Vive without making a reservation?
• Can I bring my pets to Sumapaz Vive?


Safety Information and Items Not Included in the Tour

In compliance with Resolution 286 of 2022 from the Unidad Administrativa Especial Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia, it is mandatory to have travel insurance that includes medical assistance in case of unforeseen events. Therefore, remember that it is essential to attach a photocopy or legible image of your identification document to our communication channels. If you have any questions about this process, you can read our data treatment policy here.

On the other hand, please note that the tour does not include boots, raincoats, or snacks. We recommend that you bring your own boots and raincoats for greater comfort and protection during the activity.

Tour Itinerary

The tour has an approximate duration of 10 hours but may vary up to 12 hours depending on weather conditions and transportation. Participants are expected to be ready fifteen minutes before the tour's starting time (6:30 am), and no later than half an hour after (7:00 am), as during this period, the private transportation will follow the scheduled route to pick up participants. In case they are not ready during this period, the tour will start without a refund for the absentees. For more information, please check our cancellation policy here.

Travel to the Usme locality (6:30 am)
The tour starts from the hotel or agreed meeting point, so you need to be aware in case the Sumapaz Vive guide has already contacted you to pick you up or if the private transportation is already waiting for you.

Breakfast in Usme (8:00 am)
We will stop in Usme to enjoy a delicious breakfast typical of the Cundiboyacense region.

Introduction Talk at Chisaca Lagoon in Sumapaz (8:50 am)
We will admire the lagoon complex while our guide provides a brief talk on the environmental and cultural importance of the lagoons at the entrance of the Sumapaz National Natural Park.

Arrival at Sumapaz Vive (9:20 am)
We will head to the El Guaical farm in Sumapaz Vive, where our guide will explain in detail the rules for entering the Path of the Clouds of Sumapaz Vive.

Hike on the Path of the Clouds (9:40 am)
We will start the hike towards the Path of the Clouds at the Los Colorados Farm, where we can appreciate the impressive landscapes of the Sumapaz paramo while learning about its history and biodiversity.

Lunch (1:40 pm)
We will return to the El Guaical farm to enjoy a lunch with typical dishes from the Cundiboyacense region.

Return to the City (2:30 pm)
We will board the transportation back to the hotel or the initial meeting point. Our Sumapaz Vive guide will be available for any recommendations before concluding the tour.


When hiking in the Sumapaz paramo, we recommend taking the following recommendations into account:

Physical condition
Due to the altitude and mountainous terrain, it's important to be in good physical condition for hiking.

Acclimatization to the altitude
If you come from a lower altitude area, it's advisable to spend at least one day in the city of Bogotá D.C. to gradually acclimatize to the altitude. This will help prevent altitude sickness and its symptoms.

Constant hydration
Keep your body hydrated throughout the hike. Carry enough water and drink regularly to avoid dehydration.

Sun protection
The Sumapaz paramo can be exposed to intense sunlight. Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen and wear protective clothing, such as a hat and sunglasses.

Appropriate clothing
Wear comfortable and breathable clothing that allows you to move freely. Layer your clothing to adapt to temperature changes at different altitudes.

Appropriate footwear
Use hiking boots or sturdy and comfortable shoes with non-slip soles to provide stability and protection on uneven terrain.

Proper nutrition
Bring energizing and healthy snacks, such as fruits, nuts, and granola bars, to maintain your energy levels during the hike.

Respect for the environment
Keep the paramo clean and respect the local flora and fauna. Do not leave trash behind and avoid making unnecessary noise that could disturb wildlife.

Group safety
Stay close to your hiking companions and follow the guide's instructions at all times.

Knowledge of the itinerary
Familiarize yourself with the itinerary and routes you will follow during the hike. Pay attention to signs and markings to avoid getting lost.

Enjoy hiking in the Sumapaz paramo and stay safe during your adventure!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Sumapaz Vive conduct tourist activities if the PNN Sumapaz is closed to the public?

In accordance with article 7 of Law 1955 of 2019, "which issues the national development plan 2018-2022, pact for Colombia, pact for equity," articles 53 and 59 of Decree 555 of 2021 of the Mayor's Office of Bogotá, D.C., "which adopts the general review of the Territorial Ordering Plan of Bogotá, D.C.," and article 17 of Law 1930 of 2018, "which dictates provisions for the comprehensive management of the paramos in Colombia," Sumapaz Vive S.A.S, identified with NIT: 901.699.718 and RNT: 164651, conducts ecotourism activities in order to achieve a conversion to activities that are in harmony with the Sumapaz paramo.

At the same time, resources are generated to conserve and restore the ecosystem. In fact, as part of the community of the locality of Sumapaz, specifically in the villages of Santa Rosa Alta, Santa Rosa Baja, and Taquecitos, we have actively participated for several years in meetings of the JAC Santa Rosa-Taquecitos and the PNN Sumapaz, in which processes have been undertaken to reach a conservation agreement in these areas, and ecotourism was included as part of the agreement.

Where is Sumapaz Vive located?

Sumapaz Vive is located in the locality of Sumapaz in Bogotá, D.C., just behind the 'Los Pinos' office of the Sumapaz National Natural Park, and approximately 7 km southwest of Chisaca or Los Tunjos Lagoon, following the Troncal Bolivariana and passing the Batallón de Alta Montaña N°1 checkpoint.

How can I get to Sumapaz Vive?

There are several access options to get to Sumapaz Vive. The main one is through the Usme Sumapaz route (Troncal Bolivariana) from Bogotá, which is about 30 km from the urban center of Usme. Most of this route is paved, but the last 9 km that pass through the park are gravel, allowing access by different means of transportation such as motorcycles, cars, buses, and even bicycles.

Another option is to take public transportation from Usme Centro/Pueblo to San Juan de Sumapaz, passing by Sumapaz Vive. However, bus schedules and frequency are limited. On Sundays, there are available schedules in the morning, approximately between 7:45 am and 9:00 am, while on other days of the week, they operate between approximately 1:50 pm and 3:00 pm. On the other hand, private transportation is also available from Usme Centro/Pueblo every day of the week, from 6:00 am to 5:30 pm.

Remember that Sumapaz Vive offers day pass packages and one-day/one-night packages without transportation at more economical prices, which include parking.

Additionally, there are three alternative routes from Villavicencio to the park, passing through Une, where they divert to the park. There is also an alternate route from Fusagasugá that intersects with the Troncal Bolivariana and leads to Sumapaz Vive.

Can I go to Sumapaz Vive without making a reservation?

No, in most cases, you must make a reservation at least 14 hours in advance. However, if you have private transportation or wish to arrive on your own, you can contact us between 6 am and 8 am to verify if there are still available spots for the hikes that will take place that day, or if there is a group that meets the minimum capacity for the service they decide to take. Remember that, in case you meet any of these requirements, you must arrive before 9 am and bring your identification document in physical format, photocopy, or clear image to acquire your travel insurance for the hike.

Can I bring my pets to Sumapaz Vive?

At Sumapaz Vive, we share a deep love and respect for animals. However, it is important to note that the entrance of pets to the Sumapaz National Natural Park is strictly prohibited, in accordance with the rules and laws established in Colombia.

Law 1333 of 2009, which regulates the environmental sanctioning regime, and Decree 2820 of 2010, which regulates entry and circulation in the National Natural Parks, clearly establish the prohibition of bringing domestic animals or pets to these protected areas. Only animals duly authorized for assistance purposes, such as guide dogs for visually impaired persons, are allowed to enter.

These restrictions aim to preserve biodiversity and protect the fragile ecosystems of the Sumapaz National Natural Park. By respecting this regulation, we contribute to avoiding disturbances to wildlife, the transmission of diseases, and imbalances in the ecosystems.

At Sumapaz Vive, we share the commitment to conserve and protect the natural beauty of Sumapaz. Therefore, we also adhere to the prohibition of pets' entry. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in respecting these provisions, which allows us to enjoy and preserve this unique environment responsibly.