Terms and Conditions

SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S, identified with NIT: 901.699.718 and RNT: 164651, is located in Vereda Santa Rosa Alta, Km 37 Troncal Bolivariana, Sumapaz, Bogotá D.C. Our main mission is the conservation, preservation, and restoration of the Sumapaz Páramo; therefore, we are dedicated to conducting environmental education activities through sustainable ecotourism.

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

By accessing any service offered by SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S., the customer will be deemed to have read, understood, and fully accepted the terms and conditions that govern the provision of tourist services provided by SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S. The customer acknowledges that they have been adequately informed about the content of the offer, as well as the conditions and restrictions of the program they wish to take.

If the customer has any concerns, questions, or requires additional information about our services, we strongly recommend that they contact our customer service through the email (sumapazviven@gmail.com). It is essential that this communication takes place before accepting any service and/or making the corresponding payment. In this way, we can provide personalized attention and clarify any doubts the customer may have, ensuring a satisfactory experience in the contracted tourist services.

We appreciate the trust placed in SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S and commit ourselves to offer high-quality services, always respecting our commitment to the conservation of the Sumapaz Páramo and the promotion of sustainable ecotourism practices.

Sumapaz Vive Park Rules

At Sumapaz Vive, we are committed to protecting the environment and, in particular, the Sumapaz páramo, complying with Law 1930 of 2018 "through which provisions are established for the comprehensive management of páramos in Colombia," and Decree 555 of 2021 of the mayor's office of Bogotá, D.C. "through which the general review of the territorial ordering plan of Bogotá, D.C. is adopted." In addition, the Sumapaz National Natural Park (PNN Sumapaz) is part of the national system of protected areas (SINAP), so it is imperative that all visitors comply with the following rules to avoid negative impacts on the ecosystem during our activities:

1. Do not extract flora and fauna:

It is strictly prohibited to collect, hunt, or damage the flora and fauna present in the Sumapaz páramo. These species are essential for the balance and conservation of the ecosystem.

2. Carry out the process of disinfection and cleaning of footwear:

It is strictly prohibited to collect, hunt, or damage the flora and fauna present in the Sumapaz páramo. These species are essential for the balance and conservation of the ecosystem.

3. Only walk on designated trails:

It is necessary to respect the enabled trails and avoid moving outside of them to protect the vegetation and natural habitats of the páramo.

4. Dispose of trash in the corresponding bins:

Leaving garbage or waste in the páramo is not allowed. All waste must be taken back to the starting points and properly disposed of.

5. Respect entry and exit hours:

Access to the trails is permitted between 5:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M., avoiding transiting after 6:00 P.M. to ensure the safety of all visitors.

6. Avoid carrying heavy or unnecessary equipment:

It is recommended to bring only what is necessary to minimize environmental impact and ensure a safer and more comfortable experience.

7. No campfires allowed:

Campfires can cause irreparable damage to the ecosystem and are therefore prohibited.

8. No entry with pets:

To protect wildlife and avoid disturbances to their natural behavior, the entry of pets is not allowed.

9. No extreme sports allowed:

The practice of extreme sports in the páramo is prohibited to preserve the integrity of the ecosystem and visitors' safety.

10. No fishing or hunting:

These activities are strictly prohibited as they pose a threat to wildlife and páramo conservation.

11. No single-use plastics allowed:

The use of single-use plastics is restricted to reduce pollution and protect wildlife.

12. No introduction of exotic or invasive species:

The introduction of non-native species can alter the ecological balance of the páramo and is therefore totally prohibited.

13. No use of drones:

The use of drones can disturb wildlife and is prohibited in the páramo.

14. No entry into water sources:

Water sources must be respected, and entry into them is not allowed to maintain the quality of the water resource.

15. No loud noises on the trails:

It is necessary to maintain the tranquility of the environment to protect wildlife and respect the experience of other visitors.

16. No use of playback devices

Playing animal sounds or music is prohibited to avoid disturbing the wildlife and maintaining the serenity of the páramo.

17. No littering on the trails:

All visitors must carry their trash and dispose of it properly in the designated areas.

Strict compliance with these rules is vital to preserve the Sumapaz páramo, guarantee the conservation of the ecosystem, and protect its natural richness for future generations. Non-compliance with these rules may result in the cancellation of services provided by Sumapaz Vive without the right to a refund. We appreciate the respect and cooperation of all our visitors in caring for and maintaining this fragile ecosystem for the benefit of Colombia's biodiversity and natural heritage.

Data Processing Policy

In compliance with Law 1581 of 2012 "which establishes general provisions for the protection of personal data" and Decree 1377 of 2013 "which partially regulates Law 1581 of 2012," SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S, identified with NIT: 901.699.718 and RNT: 164651, located in Vereda Santa Rosa Alta, Km 37 Troncal Bolivariana, Sumapaz, Bogotá D.C., as the responsible party for personal data processing, establishes the following Data Processing Policy:

1. Scope and Application:

This Data Processing Policy applies to all personal information that is collected, stored, used, transmitted, or processed in any way by SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S in the course of its activities.

2. Purpose of Processing:

The personal data requested by SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S will be used for the following purposes:

- Establish effective communication with data subjects through any means of contact.

- Inform about changes in our services or news related to the contracted or acquired products or services.

- Evaluate the quality of the service offered by SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S.

- Prepare and report statistical information, satisfaction surveys, market studies, and analysis to improve our services.

- Apply for the VAT exemption for tourism services to foreign residents, according to DECRETO 297 DE 2016 "which regulates the exemption from the sales tax for tourism services."

- Acquire the necessary insurance and/or policies for the realization of activities offered by SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S, for the benefit of clients and participants.

3. Consent:

By registering or providing their personal information, the data subject acknowledges having read and expressly accepted the terms and conditions of this Data Processing Policy.

4. Data Subject Rights:

Data subjects have the following rights, guaranteed by SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S:

- Know, update, and rectify their personal data.

- Request proof of the authorization given for the processing of their data.

- Be informed about the use that has been given to their personal data upon request.

- Revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of their data when constitutional and legal principles, rights, and guarantees are not respected.

- If you have already submitted a request for the deletion of your personal data to SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S and have not received a response or the response has been unsatisfactory within a reasonable time, you have the right to file complaints with the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce for alleged violations of Law 1581 of 2012 and other related regulations.

- Access their personal data treated by SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S free of charge.

5. Contact Information:

Data subjects may exercise their rights and make inquiries or claims through the following channels:

- Email: sumapazviven@gmail.com

- Phone: +57 3154864603

6. Information Security:

SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S is committed to implementing technical, administrative, and human measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data, preventing unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

7. Data Transfer:

If it is necessary to transfer personal data to third parties, SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S will comply with the principles and requirements established by current legislation.

8. Storage Time:

Personal data will be kept for a maximum of 2 years or the time necessary to fulfill the purposes established in this Policy or as required by law.

9. Consent for the Use of Images:

The customer authorizes SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S to use the images obtained during the provision of services, including analog and digital photographs, audiovisual productions, and digital or written public communication, for commercial and advertising purposes, without the need for additional written permission.

10. Modifications to the Policy:

SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S reserves the right to modify this Data Processing Policy at any time. The modifications will be communicated through our usual contact channels.

11. Acceptance of the Policy:

By acquiring any service offered by SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S, the customer automatically accepts this Data Processing Policy, and the receipt or invoice generated through any third-party means or platform will serve as proof of the authorization granted for the processing of personal data.

12. Contact and Customer Service:

For any additional questions, customers can contact us through the provided contact channels, and we commit to responding and providing assistance as soon as possible.

Our commitment is to ensure the protection and privacy of personal data, as well as compliance with the norms and principles established in Colombian legislation on data protection.

Reservations and Cancellation Policy

We present the guidelines and procedures for reservations and cancellations of tourist services at SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S, a company committed to the conservation of the Sumapaz páramo and sustainable ecotourism in Colombia. We guarantee clarity, flexibility, and attention at every stage of your journey. Explore and preserve the natural beauty with us!

1. Minimum time to make a reservation:

The minimum time to make a reservation for all services that include transportation is 14 hours.

2. Cancellation by SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S:

We reserve the right to cancel or change a reservation if the activity does not meet the minimum required number of reservations or due to force majeure conditions, such as alterations in public order, serious disruptions on roads, riots, and natural disasters. In case the reservation date is changed or the service is canceled by SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S, we will not be responsible for reimbursing additional expenses unrelated to the service.

If SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S cancels the service or the customer accepts the reservation change made by SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S, a refund of one hundred percent (100%) of the total value of the service will be provided.

3. Penalties for Cancellation:

Penalties for the cancellation of reservations will be applied as follows:

- Cancellations received 30 or more days before the start of the service will incur a charge of 25% of the total value of the service for administrative expenses.

- Cancellations received between 14 and 2 days before the start of the service will incur a charge of 60% of the total value of the service.

- Cancellations received 24 hours before the start of the service will incur a charge of 100% of the total value of the service.

- No-show cancellations: The customer will lose one hundred percent (100%) of the paid amount if they do not show up at the meeting point or do not respond and/or are not present when the transportation service provided by SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S arrives to pick them up.

- Cancellations during the development of the activity: The traveler will lose one hundred percent (100%) of the paid amount if they fail to comply with the rules of SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S during the performance of the activities and must leave or not continue with the activities.

4. Cancellation or Reservation Change due to Justified Force Majeure:

When the customer or user cancels their trip for a justified reason such as illness or death of any traveler, it must be done no later than six (6) hours after the start of the activities. The request will only be considered if the supporting documents justifying the cancellation, such as medical incapacity or death certificate, are received. In these cases, no charges will be applied to the total value of the service; only the percentage of the transactions used for payment will be deducted, and the service will be refunded.

5. Rights and Responsibilities of Customers:

- Responsibility: Provide and keep the contact information updated, provided when acquiring any service from SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S, to facilitate communication and receive information about changes in reservations, cancellations, and refunds.

- Right: Request a refund from SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S within a period not exceeding 15 business days.

- Responsibility: Provide the necessary information when requesting a refund and comply with the cancellation and force majeure policies established.

- Right: Receive the corresponding refund within a maximum period of 15 business days after the refund is approved.

- Responsibility: Stay attentive to any communication or additional request from SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S to expedite the refund process.

- Right: Be attended to diligently and transparently in all refund requests by SUMAPAZ VIVE S.A.S.

Our goal is to provide a satisfactory tourist service experience and ensure the satisfaction of our customers at all stages of their journey with us.

Sumapaz Vive S.A.S Cookie Policy

Sumapaz Vive S.A.S, identified with NIT: 901.699.718, uses its own and third-party cookies on its website to track visitors. These cookies allow us to keep records that enable us to reward our partners, such as tour operators, companies, and tour guides, who promote us through their websites, social media, and other means. Thanks to these records, we can compensate them for their collaboration through fair commissions and provide transparency to those who support us in marketing efforts.

Use of Cookies:

We use cookies to track users who access our website. These cookies are shared exclusively with our partners and have a maximum duration of 31 days. After this period, the records are automatically deleted during the first 7 days of each month, ensuring the protection of collected information.

Protection of Personal Data:

It is important to note that Sumapaz Vive S.A.S does not store personal data such as names, surnames, phone numbers, or email addresses through the use of cookies.

User Consent:

Users have the right to choose whether to enable cookies. In the cookie notice displayed on Sumapaz Vive's main page, a button is provided to accept cookies. Cookies will only be activated if the user decides to accept them. If a user does not wish to enable cookies, permission can be denied by clicking the reject button in the same notice. Cookies will not be enabled or perform any functions unless the user presses the accept cookies button.

User Rights:

Users have the right to know which Sumapaz Vive partners have access to their activity records on our website. Each partner has access only to specific records related to their collaboration.

Additionally, users have the right to request Sumapaz Vive to delete their records before the automatic 31-day period. To do so, it is necessary to provide the IP address from which they accessed the website, along with the approximate date and time of access. This information is essential to ensure the correct deletion of records, especially in cases of shared networks where multiple individuals may share the same IP address.

Sumapaz Vive's Responsibilities:

• Sumapaz Vive undertakes to delete users' cookie records upon request within a maximum period of 15 business days.

• The company will inform users which specific partners have access to their records if requested.

• Sumapaz Vive will verify the proper deletion of all records collected on the website after the fifth day of each month.

• This cookie policy has been designed to ensure transparency and control for our users and partners. For more information about our privacy practices, we invite you to review our Data Processing Policy.